Peanut Butter Feature to Know: What do employees agree to do as program participants?

When considering Student Loan Assistance, many employers are curious about what employees agree to as benefit participants. Along with their responsibilities in the program.

Employees that elect to participate in a student loan repayment program with Peanut Butter agree to:

  • Meet the eligibility criteria for the program, as defined by their employer,
  • Submit a qualified student loan in good standing, with a balance, in their name as the borrower, and [if part of a section 127 plan] be taken out for their own education only,
  • Continue making at least their minimum monthly student loan payment each month,
  • Abide by Peanut Butter’s full Terms of Use, acknowledge receipt of its Privacy Policy, and,
  • Maintain compliance with all company employment and benefit policies, including if applicable, the company’s section 127 plan.

To learn more about other employer and employee features of our programs, visit our pick-a-plan page at