Supreme Court rebuffs Biden administration plea to restore multibillion-dollar student debt plan [AP News]

White House attempts to relieve portions of student debt the US workforce faces have continued to get struck down by the Supreme Court. Alluding to the consistent verdict that no widespread forgiveness is coming for borrowers. 

In a recent post from AP News, another forgiveness plan was blocked from the White House. This attempt was hoping to restore past plans the Biden Administration hoped to put in place. Sheng Li, litigation counsel with the New Civil Liberties Alliance was quoted in the article analyzing the supreme court’s decision stating “There was no basis to lift the injunction because the Department of Education’s newest loan-cancellation program is just as unlawful as the one the Court struck down a year ago,”

For much of recent memory, large government forgiveness attempts have been consistently put to a halt by the Supreme Court. Highlighting the fact that student debt isn’t going away, and the US workforce is burdened by their loans’ more so than ever. Employers have a bright opportunity to combat this debt, by offering Student Loan Assistance. At monthly contribution amounts like $50 or $100, companies can shave years off their employees’ loans and knock out thousands in principal and interest. On the flip side, it can also help them bring talent aboard faster, retain talent longer, and improve gender + cultural diversity in the workplace. To get started with your Student Loan Assistance program today, visit