Nearly half of student loan borrowers have or will get their loans transferred this year

Nearly half of student loan borrowers have or will get their loans transferred this year

Since the beginning of 2022, student loan borrowers have consistently dealt with transfers to new loan providers, thanks to constant changes in the industry. According to a recent piece by and Google, these transfers have impacted nearly half of all...
Support employees returning to the office with Student Loan Assistance

Support employees returning to the office with Student Loan Assistance

As we make our way through the back-half of the year, more and more employees are being asked to return to the office. Not surprisingly, there’s been significant pushback from employees that have been asked to move on from their work-at-home environment. A recent...
Reminder: Student loan holiday ending in 2023

Reminder: Student loan holiday ending in 2023

On August 24, 2022, the White House announced President Biden’s Student Loan Relief Plan. Click here to learn what the three-part plan includes and what this could mean for you. Starting mid-2023 student loan servicers are expected to resume the monthly collection of...
Why Your Company Should Offer Student Loan Repayment

Why Your Company Should Offer Student Loan Repayment

Americans hold nearly $1.75 trillion in student debt. In today’s workforce, employers are reconsidering how they approach employee benefits. In the efforts to attract and retain top talent, companies are aiming to create more appealing benefit programs. They’re...
Student Loan Assistance Programs With Peanut Butter

Student Loan Assistance Programs With Peanut Butter

With the average student debt borrower holding $31.4K in student loans, it’s no surprise that it’s a leading cause of financial stress for employees. The good news is that employers can help by offering one of Peanut Butter’s Student Loan Assistance programs. Below is...