Student loan repayment can now be offered tax-free

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Student loans blocking your retirement savings? A change to federal law MIGHT help [The Boston Globe]

Student loans blocking your retirement savings? A change to federal law MIGHT help [The Boston Globe]

Since 2015, employers have been contributing modest monthly amounts (e.g., $50) toward employee student loans and achieving profound results: 13% faster hiring timelines, 36% longer employee tenure, and Greater gender and cultural diversity. This year, more companies...
Four things employers shared when they switched their administrator, and hired Peanut Butter

Four things employers shared when they switched their administrator, and hired Peanut Butter

Selecting the right vendor for any benefit is a crucial component of a program’s success. During our time supporting group transitions from other Student Loan Assistance administrators, we’ve learned four key reasons on why employers are choosing to make the switch....
Your company doesn’t need to offer 529 college savings plans, and if you must, get the program free from your state

Your company doesn’t need to offer 529 college savings plans, and if you must, get the program free from your state

Employers have continued to explore a wide array of benefits, especially as the war for top talent has continued to become increasingly more difficult. 529 college savings plans are one option employers consider for a few reasons. For one, to create a commonplace for...
The most effective ways to offer Student Loan Assistance

The most effective ways to offer Student Loan Assistance

Student Loan Assistance has emerged as one of the most highly sought after benefits for employees headed into 2024. With the combination of federal student loan payments resuming in October and no large-scale government forgiveness, the US workforce is feeling the...
Promote Gender and Cultural Diversity with Student Loan Assistance

Promote Gender and Cultural Diversity with Student Loan Assistance

Student debt is burdensome. According to the Education Data Initiative, today’s average borrower holds over $40,000 outstanding. Alone, that data-point is compelling enough to persuade many employers to offer Student Loan Assistance as a benefit. However,...
Here’s A Winning Strategy For Hiring Early Talent: Help Them With Their Student Loans [Forbes]

Here’s A Winning Strategy For Hiring Early Talent: Help Them With Their Student Loans [Forbes]

As employers continue to navigate the post-pandemic era, a new normal is setting in for student debt holders as payments resume in October. The end of pandemic-related forbearance doesn’t generate a net new monthly expense for most borrowers, but it certainly...