by Joe Kwasniewski | Mar 20, 2025 | Benefits, Decisions, Employee Benefits, Employee Engagement, FAQ, Features, Human Resources, Insights, Plan Design, Program Management, Qualified Loans, Student Loan Assistance, Student Loan Balance, Student Loan Repayment
Many times in discussions with existing and potential clients, a common question that comes up is regarding skin in the game for employees receiving a Student Loan Repayment benefit. Furthermore, how would they know an eligible employee is making their minimum monthly...
by Joe Kwasniewski | Mar 20, 2025 | Benefits, Decisions, Employee Benefits, FAQ, Features, Human Resources, Insights, Plan Design, Program Management, Student Loan Assistance, Student Loan Balance, Student Loan Debt, Student Loan Repayment
One of the most common questions we get from employers during discussions regarding Student Loan Assistance is, ‘How many of my employees likely have student debt?’ This post breaks down our answer to that question and the expectation employers should have...
by Joe Kwasniewski | Nov 12, 2024 | Benefits, Differentiation, Employee Benefits, Employee Engagement, Features, Financial Wellbeing, Government Relations, Human Resources, Plan Design, Student Loan Assistance, Student Loan Balance, Student Loan Debt, Student Loan Repayment
Nationwide, many individuals are utilizing the SAVE plan to lower monthly payments on their student loans and in their minds putting themselves in a better position financially. The SAVE plan is income-driven and payments are altered by each unique person’s earnings....
by Joe Kwasniewski | Jul 22, 2024 | Benefits, Decisions, Differentiation, Employee Benefits, Financial Wellbeing, Human Resources, Insights, Student Loan Assistance, Student Loan Balance, Student Loan Debt, Student Loan Repayment, Winning Together
As more and more college graduates enter the workforce, the ever growing total in student debt the U.S. population faces continues to increase. Combined with that also pairs the fact that wages aren’t keeping up with this debt, and the inflation our country is faced...
by Joe Kwasniewski | Jun 19, 2024 | Benefits, Differentiation, Employee Benefits, Program Management, Qualified Loans, Student Loan Assistance, Student Loan Balance, Student Loan Debt, Student Loan Repayment
When thinking about Student Loan Repayment for employees, companies are commonly curious about the criteria considered when Peanut Butter verifies individuals student loan information during their enrollment process. As an employee links or provides their student loan...
by Joe Kwasniewski | May 13, 2024 | Benefits, Employee Benefits, Student Loan Assistance, Student Loan Balance, Student Loan Debt, Student Loan Repayment, Winning Together
In 2024, 43 million Americans hold student debt for 1.7 trillion dollars outstanding. That means the average student loan borrower has close to $40,000 still to pay off on their debt. A daunting number for most, and student debt’s impact is still continuing to...