Industries Served

Industries Served

INDUSTRIES SERVED Select your industry Banks & Credit Unions Construction Education Financial Services Food & Beverage Health Care Hospitality & Food Service Insurance Management Companies Manufacturing Not for Profit Oil & Gas Professional...
About Us

About Us

ABOUT US We make it easy to offer student loan assistance What is Peanut Butter? Year in and year out, companies offer incomplete benefit packages that leave employees feeling underwhelmed, with their needs unmet. We started Peanut Butter so organizations can provide...
Refinancing Marketplace

Refinancing Marketplace

Refinancing Marketplace Employees can unlock better loans when they know the best options Pick A Plan The marketplace gives employees easy access to lender options Discover Lender Options We make lenders compete so borrowers get a great deal. Get quoted in minutes See...
Refinancing Marketplace

Student Loan Refinancing

Student Loan Refinancing Help employees refinance their student loans. Student debt is costly. Borrowers often agree to pay higher interest rates and larger monthly payments than may be feasible once they’ve started their careers. Pick A Plan Help your employees save...
Curated Advice & Insights

Curated Advice & Insights

Curated Advice & Insights The unbiased and conflict-free information employees need Pick A Plan The action list helps employees identify money saving tactics. Optimize Loan Payments Employees implement tactics to save on their loans. Target payments Set up direct...
Industries Served


Partners Introduce an innovative talent solution to the employers who look to you for advice Who We Partner With Benefit Brokers Learn More Financial Advisors Learn More Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) Learn More Other Partners Learn More Examples of our...
Community-based Student Loan Assistance

Community-based Student Loan Assistance

Community-based Student Loan Assistance We help rural and suburban towns attract new college-educated residents and workers   Get Started Join Webinar Case Study Rural distress is high Remote work is expanding Student loan assistance can help States and...
Industries: Others

Industries: Others

Other Industries Companies of all types need college-educated workers. We can help your company stand-out in the market for talent. Hiring and retaining is difficult Employee turnover is expensive Student Loan Assistance differentiates Hiring and Retaining is...