December update on Tax-Free Student Loan Assistance

December update on Tax-Free Student Loan Assistance

Earlier this year, the CARES Act authorized employers to make tax-free contributions to student loans for the first time in history. Under the legislation, employers that adopted a section 127 educational assistance plan could exclude contributions to student loans...
[CNN Business] Employers could offer you tax-free help with your student loan payments. Most are not

[CNN Business] Employers could offer you tax-free help with your student loan payments. Most are not

In a recent post from CNN Business, tax-free student loan assistance was highlighted as a high impact solution for combatting the return of federal student loan payments for borrowers nationwide in October. The article eludes to the fact that only 8% of employers...

Terms of Use

Terms of Use Peanut Butter Inc Terms of Use Last updated: June 28, 2024 DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS OF USE, WHICH CONSTITUTE A LEGALLY BIND CONTRACT, BEFORE YOU READ THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. Services Peanut Butter, Inc. (“Peanut Butter”) provides certain...
The Reality of Government Student Loan Forgiveness Initiatives

The Reality of Government Student Loan Forgiveness Initiatives

In 2024, 43 million Americans hold student debt for 1.7 trillion dollars outstanding. That means the average student loan borrower has close to $40,000 still to pay off on their debt. A daunting number for most, and student debt’s impact is still continuing to...